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Cornhole Information

Your Go-to Source for Anything Cornhole

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What is Cornhole?

Cornhole is a game of celebration in which players take turns throwing bean bags at raised platforms to gain points. The game is known as bean bag toss, or just the bean bag game.  Cornhole is a very popular game played outdoors usually during picnics, barbecues, special events or social gatherings. It is enjoyed by people of all ages, it's very easy to learn and can be played both casually and competitively.  


Scoring in cornhole

Earning points in cornhole is also straightforward. You have to land a bag on the platform and is typically worth 1 point, and getting a bag through a hole is usually worth 3 points. The game is played until a pre-determined number of points are achieved.​


How do you play Cornhole?

Cornhole is typically played by using wooden boards and bean bags. The wooden boards must be slanted to create a ramp and have holes, and these boards are usually placed at a certain distance, often around 15ft or more.  Players then stand on opposite sides and take turns throwing bags at the opponent's board. 

ACO Single Division World Ranking

Kaleb Hurt

  • Goal to become king of cornhole.

  •  hurt family is participating competitively. 

  • Named the cornhole champion in 2021.

Joining the sport by chance, He and his father played a game of cornhole at a friend's birthday party and fell in love with the sport. They did not officially go pro until 2018 when a family at the green country fair encouraged them to go a higher level of competition. Now Kaleb's entire family plays the sport now. 

Austin Cameron

  • Has a rigourous training schedule 

  • Won the ACO championships in 2019 

  • Bested Erik Davis in 2019

Austin Cameron won professional tournaments at only 14 years old. Although he does state that he was nervous about that tournament. He was able to outplay other top-ranked players at the time. In 2022, Austine Cameron rose to second ranked player in the world. He states to achieve that level, one has to train four hours, three days a week in a building designed for him to work on his cornhole game. 

DJ long

  • ​won the ACO dodge against Dan Deisher

  • Won the dodge city major by 13 points.

  • Won the ACO cedar rapids major against Gary Furgeson                                     

He is a professional player who trains in Collinwood, Tennessee. He held the number two title in his name since as march of 2021 and posed a challenge to Kaleb Hurt. However, in 2022 he is now ranked number three by the ACO league and Kaleb still sits on the top.  

Matt Gammon

  • Top ranked at 40

  • Defeated Riley Brewster 

  • Narrowly lost to Jack Harcrow in the 2022 world single finals. 


player from kentucky, he is a professional cornhole player. In 2022, he ranked number 4, and faced against Riley Brewster in a championship. Gammon beat his opponent with the final score 21-8 

Bracey Blanton

  • defeated Maddie Geiger and her father during the doubles major

  • Won the sixth major of season 17

  • Defeated Kaleb Hurt and Isaac Hurt in a double championship. 

Ranked number 5, Bracey Blanton is a good player. Teaming up with Sebastian BArger, Bracet recently defeated Kaleb Hurt, and Isaac Hurt. The final score was 21-7. 

Jack Harcrow

  • Defeated matt Gammon at the fourth major in 2022. 

  • Defeated Kaleb Hurt in Lubbock, Texas major at season 17.


He is a player from Alabama, Jack Harcrow faced against Matt Gamon in the fourth major of 22, however in a suprise win. Hack Harcrow defeated him with the final score of 20 to 21. Harcrow played against Kaleb in season 16, and once again dominated him with the final score of 21 to 8.


Josh Erb

  • Best cornhole player in the world. 

  • Two-time world champion and other numerous titles 

  • Constantly adapts, experiments and improves. 

His secret to success is his dedication to his craftsman and to experimenting with strategies and techniques. He is always looking for ways to improve his game, experience, and knowledge. If you want to be a good player, then it's good to take his lessons.

Joe lyons

  • Three time world champion and one of the most successful cornhole players of all time. 

  • Known for being smooth and accurate.

  • Ability to read opponents and make the right shots.

  • Wrote several books on the game of cornhole.

One of the most successful chapters of all time. He is known to throw accurately, and read his opponents to make great shots. He is a great teacher writing several books on the game of cornhole.​

Matt Carroll

  • Currently the two time world champion.

  • current number one ranked player in the world. 

  • Known to stay calm.

  • Created several instructional videos on cornhole.

Matt Carroll is the current number one ranked player in the world, he's a great teacher and created several instructional videos on cornhole. He has the ability to be calm under pressure and give precise and powerful throws.​

Karen Corbett

  • A former world championship 

  • Multiple national championship 

  • Aggressive style of play

  • Excellent teacher

Karen Corbett is a cornhole player who has a lot of successes in the game. She is a former world champion, and known for her aggressive player style and her ability to control the games. She is an excellent teacher and she has helped many players to reach the top level.​

Cornhole terms and Definitions

Cornhole- Besides the term used to coin a popular outdoor lawn game where people throw bean bags at raised platforms with holes in it, it is also often used as an expression when a tossed cornhole bag goes into the hole on the slab, it is called a cornhole. The player achieving a cornhole receives 3 points for their team. Often the most used cornhole lingo terms.


Cornhole bags (bean bags)- are often small square bags stuffed with stuffing, often being corn kettles or beans but nowadays use synthetic materials for filling. 


Inning- a complete round of play where each player or team take turn throwing four bean bags. 


Air mail- when the tossed cornhole bag goes in the hodge, without touching the cornhole board. It is often referredd as the air mail shot, and is synonymous with the term "glory hole"......yes really. 


Ace- essentially when you land on a board with the beanbag, and staying on it, you achieve one point. It is called an ace. 

cornfusion - this happens when teams or players disagree on a score during an inning. 


Dirty bag- essentially when two different versions of what is considered a dirty bag. The first is when a bag hits the ground then rolls of the board, and the second way is when a bean bag hit the board but partially slides, touching the ground. Either way, you are awarded no points for the toss. 


Double deuce- similar to terms like cornzizzle or gusher, a double deuce is achieved when a player lands all 4 of their bags in the hole in a single round. 


hammer - term used for the last bean bag tossed in a round


Skunked- a game ends when a skunk occurs, essentially when one team achieves 11 points, while the opposing team has yet to score any points. Essentially its a blow out, with 0 points. 


​Police- essentially a slang term for scorekeepers


Jumper- when a cornhole bag hits another bag on the boards and jumps over the beanbag landing into the hole. 


​Busting- a term that refers to a player's failure to score points in a round. Essentially if a player beanbag did not land in the hole, or land on the board, they score no points.


Cowpie- a synonym for cornhole 


Fold-over- A basic gip for throwing bean bags. Spread the bag out on your hand then fold it over in half and toss it underhanded to the board. 


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